Portale įdiegti slapukai. Naršydami toliau, Jūs sutinkate su slapukų naudojimu.
Atgal į darbų sąrašą
Suvirintojas (-a)
MIG Welder – mild steel from 3m – 12ml
All certificates of qualification are accepted and documentation of previous experience including 2 references. All welders will be required to perform a welding test to ensure they are competent in welding
Work conditions:
Our factory is based at Carrickmore, Co Tyrone, North Ireland
Accommodation – A company will provide a 3 bedroom house 10 minutes from the factory in a nearby village. Rent will cost £40 - £50 per person per week depending on room allocation, it is a shared 3 bedroom house (one bedroom is small). Electric, heating oil, television & broadband will be the responsibility of the tenant.
Work clothing – Work clothing and tools will be provided.
Food - will not be provided, however the house is in a village and there is shops in walking distance.
Contract period – Full time permanent with an initial 6 months probation period
Work schedule and working hours per day - Monday to Friday – 8am to 5pm (1 hour is deducted to allow for tea / lunch breaks). Occasional overtime and Saturday work can be available also
Company will employ the candidates at a starting rate of £8.50 - £9.00 gross p/hr negotiable depending on experience, this is payable on a 4 weekly basis with taxes deducted. Taxes (160 £) - national tax only.
Other conditions:
A good understanding of the English Language is preferred.
Jeigu supratote aukščiau išdėstytą tekstą, tai vadinasi pirmas žingsnis praeitas.
Dėmesio: darbo užmokestis priklauso nuo kvalifikacijos ir noro dirbti. Visi, kurie norės užsidirbti daugiau įmonė sudarys tokias sąlygas dirbti daugiau. Siūloma pradinė alga yra tik pradinė, kuri didės priklausomai nuo kvalifikacijos, darbo našumo ir kokybės - visų pirma tai reikės įrodyti, po to galima kelti savo reikalavimus dėl darbo sąlygų pagerinimo ir darbo užmokesčio padidinimo.
Galima siūlyti ir savo sąlygas. Rimtiems kandidatams pateiksime daugiau informacijos.
1300 (Atlyginimas prieš mokesčius)